What is the recommended alternative?
What I am doing is to move the code from the DataPortal_Fetch method into the static 'Get' method of the ReadOnlyBase class.
This works ok.
The Bugid says that ReadOnlyBase should NOT have a default DataPortal_Fetch.
This means that your code will no longer need to override a base class method, so you much change from:
protected override void DataPortal_Fetch(object criteria)
private void DataPortal_Fetch(object criteria)
Yes, that makes sense. Thank you.
The purpose of the private DataPortal_Fetch method would thus only be the 'general' method for data retrieval in that class, I assume.
I try to follow the same structure as in the CSLA sample BOs. mmm.. perhaps I need to check out the new 4.1 samples to see how Rocky does it! :)
Kewl beans!
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