SL ReadOnlyListBase not a collection?

SL ReadOnlyListBase not a collection?

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JonM posted on Thursday, January 27, 2011

Using CSLA 4.1, SL 4.

I've created a simple ReadOnlyList with two properties.  I've got it to load up and work across the dataportal (yea!).  As a test I wanted to loop through the items or simply bind them to an listbox.ItemSource.  VS complains that it is not an IEnumerable.  What gives? Is this not really a list?!  It seems like I've missed a step somewhere.  Any ideas?


using System;

using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;

using Csla;

using Csla.Serialization;

using System.Diagnostics;


using System.Data.SqlClient;



namespace CSLA



public class CustomerListItem : ReadOnlyBase<CustomerListItem>


private static PropertyInfo<int> CustomerIDProperty = RegisterProperty<int>(o => o.CustomerID, "CustomerID");

public int CustomerID


get { return GetProperty(CustomerIDProperty); }

set { LoadProperty(CustomerIDProperty, value); }



private static PropertyInfo<string> CustomerNameProperty = RegisterProperty<string>(o => o.CustomerName, "CustomerName");

public string CustomerName


get { return GetProperty(CustomerNameProperty); }

set { LoadProperty(CustomerNameProperty, value); }



public override string ToString()


return CustomerName;





public class CustomerList : ReadOnlyListBase<CustomerList, CustomerListItem>



public static CustomerList GetCustomerList()


return DataPortal.Fetch<CustomerList>();





public static void GetCustomerList(EventHandler<DataPortalResult<CustomerList>> callback)





#region Data Access



private void DataPortal_Fetch()


using (SqlCommand sqlcmd = Csla.Data.ConnectionManager<SqlConnection>.GetManager("DB").Connection.CreateCommand())


sqlcmd.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;

sqlcmd.CommandText = "fetchCustomers";

sqlcmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@OperatorID", ((Console.CSLA.ConsoleIdentity)Csla.ApplicationContext.User.Identity).OperatorID);

using (SqlDataReader sqldr = sqlcmd.ExecuteReader())


IsReadOnly = false;

while (sqldr.Read())


this.Add(new CustomerListItem()


CustomerID = sqldr.GetInt32(sqldr.GetOrdinal("CustomerID")),

CustomerName = sqldr.GetString(sqldr.GetOrdinal("CustomerName"))




IsReadOnly = true;











RockfordLhotka replied on Thursday, January 27, 2011

I don't know. The only thing I can think of, is that if your test was using LINQ that you are missing the 'using System.Linq' statement.

stefan replied on Friday, January 28, 2011


maybe this is related to a breaking change from .NET 3.5 to  .NET 4, mentioned by Frans Bouma here...

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