Provides consistent context information between the client and server DataPortal objects.
object CreateInstanceDI(Type objectType, params object[] parameters)
Creates an object using 'Activator.CreateInstance' using service provider (if one is available) to po...
ApplicationContext(ApplicationContextAccessor applicationContextAccessor)
Creates a new instance of the type
ContextDictionary LocalContext
Returns the application-specific context data that is local to the current AppDomain.
Provides an automated way to reuse an ADO.NET Data Services context object within the context of a si...
DataServiceContextManager< C > GetManager(Uri path)
Gets the DataServiceContext object for the specified URI.
T GetEntity< T >(string keyPropertyName, object keyPropertyValue)
Gets a list of the entities by key.
C DataServiceContext
Gets the DataServiceContext object.
List< T > GetEntities< T >()
Gets a list of the entities of the specified type from the context.