class | AddedNewEventArgs |
| Object containing information about a newly added object. More...
class | ApplicationContextAccessor |
| Provides access to the correct current application context manager instance depending on runtime environment. More...
class | ApplicationContextManager |
| Default context manager for the user property and local/client/global context dictionaries. More...
class | ApplicationContextManagerAsyncLocal |
| Application context manager using AsyncLocal for user and context dictionaries. More...
class | ApplicationContextManagerStatic |
| Context manager for the user property and local/client/global context dictionaries that uses static fields to maintain per-thread context. More...
class | ApplicationContextManagerTls |
| Context manager for the user property and local/client/global context dictionaries that uses thread local storage (TLS) to maintain per-thread context. More...
class | BindableBase |
| This class implements INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyPropertyChanging in a serialization-safe manner. More...
class | BusinessBase |
| This is the non-generic base class from which most business objects will be derived. More...
class | BusyChangedEventArgs |
| Event arguments for the BusyChanged event. More...
class | ChildChangedEventArgs |
| Contains event data about the changed child object. More...
class | ContextDictionary |
| Dictionary type that is serializable with the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter(). More...
class | ErrorEventArgs |
| Event arguments for an unhandled async exception. More...
class | ExtendedBindingList |
| Extends BindingList of T by adding extra behaviors. More...
class | GraphMerger |
| Implements behavior to merge one object graph into a clone of itself (typically post-serialization). More...
interface | IBusinessObject |
| This is the core interface implemented by all CSLA .NET base classes. More...
interface | ICheckRules |
| Defines the common methods for any business object which exposes means to supress and check business rules. More...
interface | ICommandObject |
| This interface is implemented by all Command objects. More...
interface | IContextManager |
| Defines the interface for an application context manager type. More...
interface | IContextManagerLocal |
| Subtype of IContextManager for use by LocalProxy. More...
class | IdentityManager |
| Used by the root object in a graph to manage the object instance identity values for the graph. More...
interface | IEditableBusinessObject |
| Defines the common methods required by all editable CSLA single objects. More...
interface | IEditableCollection |
| Defines the common methods required by all editable CSLA collection objects. More...
interface | IExtendedBindingList |
| Extends IBindingList by adding extra events. More...
interface | IManageProperties |
interface | IMemberInfo |
| Maintains metadata about a method or property. More...
interface | INotifyBusy |
| Interface defining an object that notifies when it is busy executing an asynchronous operation. More...
interface | INotifyChildChanged |
| Implemented by classes that notify when a child object has changed. More...
interface | INotifyUnhandledAsyncException |
| Implemented by an object that perfoms asynchronous operations that may raise exceptions. More...
class | InvalidQueryException |
interface | IObservableBindingList |
| Defines additional elements for an ObservableCollection as required by CSLA .NET. More...
interface | IParent |
| Defines the interface that must be implemented by any business object that contains child objects. More...
interface | IPropertyInfo |
| Maintains metadata about a property. More...
interface | IPropertyInfoFactory |
| Defines the interface for a factory object that creates IPropertyInfo objects. More...
interface | IReadOnlyBindingList |
interface | IReadOnlyCollection |
| Interface implemented by all read-only collection classes. More...
interface | IReadOnlyObject |
| Specifies that the object is a readonly business object. More...
interface | IReportTotalRowCount |
| Implement this interface in a collection to report a total row count to Csla.Web.CslaDataSource, where that row count is different from the collection's normal Count property value. More...
interface | ISavable |
| Specifies that the object can save itself. More...
interface | ISmartField |
| Defines members required for smart data types that understand the concept of being empty, and representing an empty value as an empty string. More...
interface | ISupportUndo |
| Define the common methods used by the UI to interact with n-level undo. More...
interface | ITrackStatus |
| Defines the common properties required objects that track their own status. More...
interface | IUndoableObject |
| Defines the methods required to participate in n-level undo within the CSLA .NET framework. More...
interface | IUseApplicationContext |
| Implement if a class requires access to the CSLA ApplicationContext type. More...
interface | IUseBusinessRules |
interface | IUseFieldManager |
| Indicates this type contains a FieldDataManager.
class | ManagedObjectBase |
| Base class for an object that is serializable using SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter(). More...
class | MetaPropertyChangedEventArgs |
| Used to distinguish Meta Properties More...
class | MobileBindingList |
| Inherit from this base class to easily create a serializable list class. More...
class | MobileDictionary |
| Defines a dictionary that can be serialized through the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter(). More...
class | MobileList |
| Implements a list that is serializable using the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter(). More...
class | MobileObject |
| Inherit from this base class to easily create a serializable class. More...
class | MobileObservableCollection |
| Inherit from this base class to easily create a serializable list class. More...
class | ObjectCloner |
| This class provides an implementation of a deep clone of a complete object graph. More...
class | ObservableBindingList |
| Extends ObservableCollection with behaviors required by CSLA .NET collections. More...
class | ReadOnlyBindingList |
| A readonly version of BindingList(Of T) More...
class | ReadOnlyObservableBindingList |
| A readonly version of ObservableBindingList. More...
class | RemovingItemEventArgs |
| Contains event data for the RemovingItem event. More...
class | SavedEventArgs |
| Event arguments containing a reference to the new object that was returned as a result of the Save() operation. More...
class | TypeSystem |
class | UndoableBase |
| Implements n-level undo capabilities as described in Chapters 2 and 3. More...
class | UndoableHandler |
class | UndoException |
| Exception indicating a problem with the use of the n-level undo feature in CSLA .NET. More...