CSLA.NET 6.0.0
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Csla.Windows Namespace Reference


class  ApplicationContextManager
 ApplicationContextManager for Windows Forms applications More...
class  BindingErrorEventArgs
 BindingErrorEventArgs defines the event arguments for reporting a data binding error due to a exception. More...
class  BindingSourceHelper
 Helper methods for dealing with BindingSource objects and data binding.
class  BindingSourceNode
 Maintains a reference to a BindingSource object on the form. More...
class  BindingSourceRefresh
 BindingSourceRefresh contains functionality for refreshing the data bound to controls on Host as well as a mechinism for catching data binding errors that occur in Host. More...
class  BusyAnimation
 User control that displays busy animation More...
class  CslaActionCancelEventArgs
 Event args providing information about a canceled action. More...
class  CslaActionEventArgs
 Event args for an action. More...
class  CslaActionExtender
 Extender control providing automation around data binding to CSLA .NET business objects. More...
class  CslaActionExtenderProperties
class  CslaActionExtenderToolStrip
 Extender control (for ToolStripButton only) providing automation around data binding to CSLA .NET business objects. More...
class  ErrorEncounteredEventArgs
 Event args indicating an error. More...
class  HasBrokenRulesEventArgs
 Event args object containing information about a broken rule. More...
class  HostPropertyAttribute
 HostPropertyAttribute is used on components to indicate the property on the component that is to be used as the parent container control in conjunction with HostComponentDesigner. More...
class  ObjectSaveException
 Exception indicating a failure during an object save operation. More...
class  ReadWriteAuthorization
 Windows Forms extender control that automatically enables and disables detail form controls based on the authorization settings from a CSLA .NET business object. More...


enum  CslaFormAction {
  None , Save , Cancel , Close ,
 The possible form actions. More...
enum  PostSaveActionType { None , AndClose , AndNew }
 The possible actions for post save. More...


delegate void BindingErrorEventHandler (object sender, BindingErrorEventArgs e)
 BindingErrorEventHandler delegates is the event handling definition for handling data binding errors that occurred due to exceptions. More...

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ CslaFormAction

The possible form actions.


No action.


Perform a save.


Undo changes.


Close the form.


Display a message box with any broken rules

Definition at line 13 of file Enums.cs.

◆ PostSaveActionType

The possible actions for post save.


No action.


Also close the form.


Also create a new object.

Definition at line 40 of file Enums.cs.

Function Documentation

◆ BindingErrorEventHandler()

delegate void Csla.Windows.BindingErrorEventHandler ( object  sender,
BindingErrorEventArgs  e 

BindingErrorEventHandler delegates is the event handling definition for handling data binding errors that occurred due to exceptions.

senderThe object that triggered the event.
eThe event arguments.