CSLA.NET 6.0.0
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C > Class Template Reference

This is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived. More...

Inheritance diagram for Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >:
Csla.Core.IUseApplicationContext Csla.IBusinessListBase< C > Csla.Core.INotifyBusy Csla.Core.IParent Csla.Core.ISavable< T > Csla.Core.ISavable< T > Csla.Core.IUndoableObject Csla.Core.IEditableCollection Csla.IContainsDeletedList Csla.Core.ObservableBindingList< C >

Public Member Functions

Clone ()
 Creates a clone of the object. More...
bool ContainsDeleted (C item)
 Returns true if the internal deleted list contains the specified child object. More...
void BeginEdit ()
 Starts a nested edit on the object. More...
void CancelEdit ()
 Cancels the current edit process, restoring the object's state to its previous values. More...
void ApplyEdit ()
 Commits the current edit process. More...
Save ()
 Saves the object to the database. More...
async Task< T > SaveAsync ()
 Saves the object to the database. More...
async Task SaveAndMergeAsync ()
 Saves the object to the database, merging any resulting updates into the existing object graph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.ObservableBindingList< C >
AddNew ()
 Adds a new item to this collection. More...
void AddRange (System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable< T > range)
 Add a range of items to the list. More...
virtual void OnAddedNew (T item)
 Raises the AddedNew event. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.IEditableCollection
void RemoveChild (Core.IEditableBusinessObject child)
 Removes the specified child from the parent collection. More...
void SetParent (IParent parent)
 Used by BusinessListBase as a child object is created to tell the child object about its parent. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.IParent
void RemoveChild (Core.IEditableBusinessObject child)
 This method is called by a child object when it wants to be removed from the collection. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.IObservableBindingList
object AddNew ()
 Creates and adds a new item to the collection. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Serialization.Mobile.ISerializationNotification
void Deserialized ()
 Method called on an object after deserialization is complete. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Serialization.Mobile.IMobileObject
void GetState (SerializationInfo info)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should serialize its data. More...
void GetChildren (SerializationInfo info, MobileFormatter formatter)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should serialize its child references. More...
void SetState (SerializationInfo info)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should be deserialized. More...
void SetChildren (SerializationInfo info, MobileFormatter formatter)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should deserialize its child references. More...

Protected Member Functions

 BusinessListBase ()
 Creates an instance of the type. More...
virtual void Initialize ()
 Override this method to set up event handlers so user code in a partial class can respond to events raised by generated code. More...
virtual object GetClone ()
 Creates a clone of the object. More...
virtual void EditChildComplete (Core.IEditableBusinessObject child)
 Override this method to be notified when a child object's Core.BusinessBase.ApplyEdit method has completed. More...
override C AddNewCore ()
 Override this method to create a new object that is added to the collection. More...
override void InsertItem (int index, C item)
 Sets the edit level of the child object as it is added. More...
override void RemoveItem (int index)
 Marks the child object for deletion and moves it to the collection of deleted objects. More...
override void SetItem (int index, C item)
 Replaces the item at the specified index with the specified item, first moving the original item to the deleted list. More...
override void ClearItems ()
 Clears the collection, moving all active items to the deleted list. More...
override void OnGetState (SerializationInfo info)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should serialize its data. More...
override void OnSetState (SerializationInfo info)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should be deserialized. More...
override void OnGetChildren (Csla.Serialization.Mobile.SerializationInfo info, Csla.Serialization.Mobile.MobileFormatter formatter)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should serialize its child references. More...
override void OnSetChildren (Csla.Serialization.Mobile.SerializationInfo info, Csla.Serialization.Mobile.MobileFormatter formatter)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should deserialize its child references. More...
void MarkAsChild ()
 Marks the object as being a child object. More...
override void OnDeserialized ()
 Reset parent references on deserialization. More...
virtual void Child_Create ()
 Initializes a new instance of the object with default values. More...
virtual void Child_Update (params object[] parameters)
 Saves all items in the list, automatically performing insert, update or delete operations as necessary. More...
virtual async Task Child_UpdateAsync (params object[] parameters)
 Asynchronously saves all items in the list, automatically performing insert, update or delete operations as necessary. More...
virtual async Task< T > SaveAsync (object userState, bool isSync)
 Saves the object to the database. More...
virtual void DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvoke (DataPortalEventArgs e)
 Called by the server-side DataPortal prior to calling the requested DataPortal_xyz method. More...
virtual void DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvokeComplete (DataPortalEventArgs e)
 Called by the server-side DataPortal after calling the requested DataPortal_xyz method. More...
virtual void DataPortal_OnDataPortalException (DataPortalEventArgs e, Exception ex)
 Called by the server-side DataPortal if an exception occurs during data access. More...
virtual void Child_OnDataPortalInvoke (DataPortalEventArgs e)
 Called by the server-side DataPortal prior to calling the requested DataPortal_XYZ method. More...
virtual void Child_OnDataPortalInvokeComplete (DataPortalEventArgs e)
 Called by the server-side DataPortal after calling the requested DataPortal_XYZ method. More...
virtual void Child_OnDataPortalException (DataPortalEventArgs e, Exception ex)
 Called by the server-side DataPortal if an exception occurs during data access. More...
virtual void OnSaved (T newObject, Exception e, object userState)
 Raises the Saved event, indicating that the object has been saved, and providing a reference to the new object instance. More...
virtual void SetParent (Core.IParent parent)
 Used by BusinessListBase as a child object is created to tell the child object about its parent. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.ObservableBindingList< C >
void OnRemovingItem (T removedItem)
 Raise the RemovingItem event. More...
override void RemoveItem (int index)
 Remove the item at the specified index. More...
virtual void OnBusyChanged (BusyChangedEventArgs args)
 Override this method to be notified when the IsBusy property has changed. More...
void OnBusyChanged (string propertyName, bool busy)
 Raises the BusyChanged event for a specific property. More...
virtual void OnUnhandledAsyncException (ErrorEventArgs error)
 Method invoked when an unhandled async exception has occurred. More...
void OnUnhandledAsyncException (object originalSender, Exception error)
 Raises the UnhandledAsyncException event. More...
override void InsertItem (int index, T item)
 Invoked when an item is inserted into the list. More...
virtual void OnAddEventHooks (T item)
 Method invoked when events are hooked for a child object. More...
virtual void OnRemoveEventHooks (T item)
 Method invoked when events are unhooked for a child object. More...
virtual void OnChildChanged (ChildChangedEventArgs e)
 Raises the ChildChanged event, indicating that a child object has been changed. More...
virtual void Child_PropertyChanged (object sender, PropertyChangedEventArgs e)
 Handles any PropertyChanged event from a child object and echoes it up as a ChildChanged event. More...
override void OnCollectionChanged (NotifyCollectionChangedEventArgs e)
 Raises the CollectionChanged event. More...
override void OnGetState (SerializationInfo info)
 Override this method to get custom field values from the serialization stream. More...
override void OnSetState (SerializationInfo info)
 Override this method to set custom field values into the serialization stream. More...
override void SetLoadListMode (bool enabled)
 Sets the load list mode for the list More...


ApplicationContext ApplicationContext [get]
 Gets the current ApplicationContext More...
MobileList< C > DeletedList [get]
 A collection containing all child objects marked for deletion. More...
int EditLevel [get]
 Returns the current edit level of the object. More...
bool IsChild [get]
 Indicates whether this collection object is a child object. More...
bool IsDirty [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this object's data has been changed. More...
virtual bool IsSelfValid [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this object is currently in a valid state (has no broken validation rules). More...
virtual bool IsValid [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this object is currently in a valid state (has no broken validation rules). More...
virtual bool IsSavable [get]
 Returns true if this object has changes, is valid, the user is authorized and the object is not busy. More...
override bool IsBusy [get]
 Gets the busy status for this object and its child objects. More...
EventHandler< Csla.Core.SavedEventArgsSaved
 Event raised when an object has been saved. More...
Core.IParent Parent [get]
 Provide access to the parent reference for use in child object code. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.ObservableBindingList< C >
virtual bool SupportsChangeNotificationCore [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this object supports change notification. More...
bool AllowEdit [getprotected set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether data binding can automatically edit items in this collection. More...
bool AllowNew [getprotected set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether data binding can automatically add new items to this collection. More...
bool AllowRemove [getprotected set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether data binding can automatically remove items from this collection. More...
bool RaiseListChangedEvents [getset]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether the collection should raise changed events. More...
EventHandler< RemovingItemEventArgsRemovingItem
 Implements a serialization-safe RemovingItem event. More...
BusyChangedEventHandler BusyChanged
 Event indicating that the busy status of the object has changed. More...
virtual bool IsBusy [get]
 Gets the busy status for this object and its child objects. More...
virtual bool IsSelfBusy [get]
 Gets the busy status for this object. More...
EventHandler< ErrorEventArgsUnhandledAsyncException
 Event indicating that an exception occurred during an async operation. More...
EventHandler< Csla.Core.ChildChangedEventArgsChildChanged
 Event raised when a child object has been changed. More...
EventHandler< AddedNewEventArgs< T > > AddedNew
 Event raised when a new object has been added to the collection. More...
IDisposable SuppressListChangedEvents [get]
 Use this object to suppress ListChangedEvents for an entire code block. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.IContainsDeletedList
IEnumerable< IEditableBusinessObjectDeletedList [get]
 List of deleted child objects More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.IBusinessObject
int Identity [get]
 Gets a value representing this object instance's unique identity value within the business object graph. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.ITrackStatus
bool IsValid [get]
 Returns true if the object and its child objects are currently valid, false if the object or any of its child objects have broken rules or are otherwise invalid. More...
bool IsSelfValid [get]
 Returns true if the object is currently valid, false if the object has broken rules or is otherwise invalid. More...
bool IsDirty [get]
 Returns true if this object's data, or any of its fields or child objects data, has been changed. More...
bool IsSelfDirty [get]
 Returns true if this object's data has been changed. More...
bool IsDeleted [get]
 Returns true if this object is marked for deletion. More...
bool IsNew [get]
 Returns true if this is a new object, false if it is a pre-existing object. More...
bool IsSavable [get]
 Returns true if this object is both dirty and valid. More...
bool IsChild [get]
 Returns true if this is a child object, false if it is a root object. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.INotifyBusy
bool IsBusy [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether the object, or any of the object's child objects, are busy running an asynchronous operation. More...
bool IsSelfBusy [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether the object is busy running an asynchronous operation. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.IUndoableObject
int EditLevel [get]
 Gets the current edit level of the object. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.IParent
IParent Parent [get]
 Provide access to the parent reference for use in child object code. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.IUseApplicationContext
ApplicationContext ApplicationContext [getset]
 Gets or sets the current ApplicationContext object. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Events inherited from Csla.Core.INotifyBusy
BusyChangedEventHandler BusyChanged
 Event raised when the object's busy status changes. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.INotifyUnhandledAsyncException
EventHandler< ErrorEventArgsUnhandledAsyncException
 Event indicating that an exception occurred during an asynchronous operation. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.ISavable< T >
EventHandler< SavedEventArgsSaved
 Event raised when an object has been saved. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.IObservableBindingList
EventHandler< RemovingItemEventArgsRemovingItem
 Event indicating that an item is being removed from the list. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.INotifyChildChanged
EventHandler< ChildChangedEventArgsChildChanged
 Event indictating that a child object has changed. More...

Detailed Description

This is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived.

Template Parameters
TType of the business object being defined.
CType of the child objects contained in the list.
Type Constraints
T :BusinessListBase 
T :T 
T :C 
C :Core.IEditableBusinessObject 

Definition at line 33 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ BusinessListBase()

Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.BusinessListBase ( )

Creates an instance of the type.

Definition at line 46 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

Member Function Documentation

◆ AddNewCore()

override C Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.AddNewCore ( )

Override this method to create a new object that is added to the collection.

Reimplemented from Csla.Core.ObservableBindingList< C >.

Definition at line 307 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ ApplyEdit()

void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.ApplyEdit ( )

Commits the current edit process.

Calling this method causes the most recently taken snapshot of the object's state to be discarded, thus committing any changes made to the object's state since the last BeginEdit call.

This method triggers an Core.BusinessBase.ApplyEdit in all child objects.

Implements Csla.Core.ISupportUndo.

Definition at line 268 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ BeginEdit()

void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.BeginEdit ( )

Starts a nested edit on the object.

When this method is called the object takes a snapshot of its current state (the values of its variables). This snapshot can be restored by calling CancelEdit or committed by calling ApplyEdit.

This is a nested operation. Each call to BeginEdit adds a new snapshot of the object's state to a stack. You should ensure that for each call to BeginEdit there is a corresponding call to either CancelEdit or ApplyEdit to remove that snapshot from the stack.

See Chapters 2 and 3 for details on n-level undo and state stacking.

This method triggers the copying of all child object states.

Implements Csla.Core.ISupportUndo.

Definition at line 226 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ CancelEdit()

void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.CancelEdit ( )

Cancels the current edit process, restoring the object's state to its previous values.

Calling this method causes the most recently taken snapshot of the object's state to be restored. This resets the object's values to the point of the last BeginEdit call.

This method triggers an undo in all child objects.

Implements Csla.Core.ISupportUndo.

Definition at line 247 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Child_Create()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Child_Create ( )

Initializes a new instance of the object with default values.

Definition at line 875 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Child_OnDataPortalException()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Child_OnDataPortalException ( DataPortalEventArgs  e,
Exception  ex 

Called by the server-side DataPortal if an exception occurs during data access.

eThe DataPortalContext object passed to the DataPortal.
exThe Exception thrown during data access.

Definition at line 1083 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Child_OnDataPortalInvoke()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Child_OnDataPortalInvoke ( DataPortalEventArgs  e)

Called by the server-side DataPortal prior to calling the requested DataPortal_XYZ method.

eThe DataPortalContext object passed to the DataPortal.

Definition at line 1064 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Child_OnDataPortalInvokeComplete()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Child_OnDataPortalInvokeComplete ( DataPortalEventArgs  e)

Called by the server-side DataPortal after calling the requested DataPortal_XYZ method.

eThe DataPortalContext object passed to the DataPortal.

Definition at line 1073 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Child_Update()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Child_Update ( params object[]  parameters)

Saves all items in the list, automatically performing insert, update or delete operations as necessary.

parametersOptional parameters passed to child update methods.

Definition at line 888 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Child_UpdateAsync()

virtual async Task Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Child_UpdateAsync ( params object[]  parameters)

Asynchronously saves all items in the list, automatically performing insert, update or delete operations as necessary.

parametersOptional parameters passed to child update methods.

Reimplemented in Csla.Test.FieldManager.Async.ChildList.

Definition at line 912 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ ClearItems()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.ClearItems ( )

Clears the collection, moving all active items to the deleted list.

Definition at line 428 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Clone()

T Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Clone ( )

Creates a clone of the object.

A new object containing the exact data of the original object.

Definition at line 132 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ ContainsDeleted()

bool Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.ContainsDeleted ( item)

Returns true if the internal deleted list contains the specified child object.

itemChild object to check.

Definition at line 197 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ DataPortal_OnDataPortalException()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.DataPortal_OnDataPortalException ( DataPortalEventArgs  e,
Exception  ex 

Called by the server-side DataPortal if an exception occurs during data access.

eThe DataPortalContext object passed to the DataPortal.
exThe Exception thrown during data access.

Definition at line 1055 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvoke()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvoke ( DataPortalEventArgs  e)

Called by the server-side DataPortal prior to calling the requested DataPortal_xyz method.

eThe DataPortalContext object passed to the DataPortal.

Definition at line 1036 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvokeComplete()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.DataPortal_OnDataPortalInvokeComplete ( DataPortalEventArgs  e)

Called by the server-side DataPortal after calling the requested DataPortal_xyz method.

eThe DataPortalContext object passed to the DataPortal.

Definition at line 1045 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ EditChildComplete()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.EditChildComplete ( Core.IEditableBusinessObject  child)

Override this method to be notified when a child object's Core.BusinessBase.ApplyEdit method has completed.

childThe child object that was edited.

Definition at line 292 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ GetClone()

virtual object Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.GetClone ( )

Creates a clone of the object.

A new object containing the exact data of the original object.

Definition at line 123 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Initialize()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Initialize ( )

Override this method to set up event handlers so user code in a partial class can respond to events raised by generated code.

Definition at line 72 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ InsertItem()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.InsertItem ( int  index,

Sets the edit level of the child object as it is added.

indexIndex of the item to insert.
itemItem to insert.

Definition at line 345 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ MarkAsChild()

void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.MarkAsChild ( )

Marks the object as being a child object.

By default all business objects are 'parent' objects. This means that they can be directly retrieved and updated into the database.

We often also need child objects. These are objects which are contained within other objects. For instance, a parent Invoice object will contain child LineItem objects.

To create a child object, the MarkAsChild method must be called as the object is created. Please see Chapter 7 for details on the use of the MarkAsChild method.

Definition at line 721 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ OnDeserialized()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.OnDeserialized ( )

Reset parent references on deserialization.

Reimplemented from Csla.Core.ObservableBindingList< C >.

Definition at line 856 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ OnGetChildren()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.OnGetChildren ( Csla.Serialization.Mobile.SerializationInfo  info,
Csla.Serialization.Mobile.MobileFormatter  formatter 

Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should serialize its child references.

The data should be serialized into the SerializationInfo parameter.

infoObject to contain the serialized data.
formatterReference to the formatter performing the serialization.

Definition at line 657 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ OnGetState()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.OnGetState ( SerializationInfo  info)

Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should serialize its data.

The data should be serialized into the SerializationInfo parameter.

infoObject to contain the serialized data.

Definition at line 622 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ OnSaved()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.OnSaved ( newObject,
Exception  e,
object  userState 

Raises the Saved event, indicating that the object has been saved, and providing a reference to the new object instance.

newObjectThe new object instance.
eExecption that occurred during the operation.
userStateUser state object.

Definition at line 1172 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ OnSetChildren()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.OnSetChildren ( Csla.Serialization.Mobile.SerializationInfo  info,
Csla.Serialization.Mobile.MobileFormatter  formatter 

Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should deserialize its child references.

The data should be deserialized from the SerializationInfo parameter.

infoObject containing the serialized data.
formatterReference to the formatter performing the deserialization.

Definition at line 678 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ OnSetState()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.OnSetState ( SerializationInfo  info)

Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should be deserialized.

The data should be deserialized from the SerializationInfo parameter.

infoObject containing the serialized data.

Definition at line 638 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ RemoveItem()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.RemoveItem ( int  index)

Marks the child object for deletion and moves it to the collection of deleted objects.

indexIndex of the item to remove.

Definition at line 371 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Save()

T Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Save ( )

Saves the object to the database.

Calling this method starts the save operation, causing the all child objects to be inserted, updated or deleted within the database based on the each object's current state.

All this is contingent on IsDirty. If this value is false, no data operation occurs. It is also contingent on IsValid. If this value is false an exception will be thrown to indicate that the UI attempted to save an invalid object.

It is important to note that this method returns a new version of the business collection that contains any data updated during the save operation. You MUST update all object references to use this new version of the business collection in order to have access to the correct object data.

You can override this method to add your own custom behaviors to the save operation. For instance, you may add some security checks to make sure the user can save the object. If all security checks pass, you would then invoke the base Save method via MyBase.Save().

A new object containing the saved values.

Implements Csla.Core.ISavable< T >.

Definition at line 957 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ SaveAndMergeAsync()

async Task Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.SaveAndMergeAsync ( )

Saves the object to the database, merging any resulting updates into the existing object graph.

Implements Csla.Core.ISavable< T >.

Definition at line 1025 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ SaveAsync() [1/2]

async Task< T > Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.SaveAsync ( )

Saves the object to the database.

Implements Csla.Core.ISavable< T >.

Definition at line 975 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ SaveAsync() [2/2]

virtual async Task< T > Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.SaveAsync ( object  userState,
bool  isSync 

Saves the object to the database.

userStateUser state data.
isSyncTrue if the save operation should be synchronous.

Definition at line 985 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ SetItem()

override void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.SetItem ( int  index,

Replaces the item at the specified index with the specified item, first moving the original item to the deleted list.

indexThe zero-based index of the item to replace.
itemThe new value for the item at the specified index. The value can be null for reference types.

Definition at line 401 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ SetParent()

virtual void Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.SetParent ( Core.IParent  parent)

Used by BusinessListBase as a child object is created to tell the child object about its parent.

parentA reference to the parent collection object.

Definition at line 1210 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

Property Documentation

◆ ApplicationContext

Gets the current ApplicationContext

Definition at line 52 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ DeletedList

MobileList<C> Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.DeletedList

A collection containing all child objects marked for deletion.

Definition at line 150 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ EditLevel

int Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.EditLevel

Returns the current edit level of the object.

Definition at line 449 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ IsBusy

override bool Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.IsBusy

Gets the busy status for this object and its child objects.

Definition at line 809 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ IsChild

bool Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.IsChild

Indicates whether this collection object is a child object.

True if this is a child object.

Definition at line 699 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ IsDirty

bool Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.IsDirty

Gets a value indicating whether this object's data has been changed.

Definition at line 742 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ IsSavable

virtual bool Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.IsSavable

Returns true if this object has changes, is valid, the user is authorized and the object is not busy.

Definition at line 797 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ IsSelfValid

virtual bool Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.IsSelfValid

Gets a value indicating whether this object is currently in a valid state (has no broken validation rules).

Definition at line 770 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ IsValid

virtual bool Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.IsValid

Gets a value indicating whether this object is currently in a valid state (has no broken validation rules).

Definition at line 779 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Parent

Core.IParent Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Parent

Provide access to the parent reference for use in child object code.

This value will be Nothing for root objects.

Definition at line 1196 of file BusinessListBase.cs.

◆ Saved

EventHandler<Csla.Core.SavedEventArgs> Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >.Saved

Event raised when an object has been saved.

Definition at line 1149 of file BusinessListBase.cs.