CSLA.NET 6.0.0
CSLA .NET is a software development framework that helps you build a reusable, maintainable object-oriented business layer for your app.
Csla.IBusinessListBase< C > Interface Template Reference

This is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived. More...

Inheritance diagram for Csla.IBusinessListBase< C >:
Csla.Serialization.Mobile.IMobileObject Csla.Serialization.Mobile.ISerializationNotification Csla.Core.INotifyChildChanged Csla.Core.IObservableBindingList Csla.Core.INotifyUnhandledAsyncException Csla.Core.INotifyBusy Csla.Core.IParent Csla.Core.ISavable< T > Csla.Core.IUndoableObject Csla.Core.ITrackStatus Csla.Core.ISupportUndo Csla.Core.IBusinessObject Csla.Core.IEditableCollection Csla.BusinessListBase< T, C >

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.IEditableCollection
void RemoveChild (Core.IEditableBusinessObject child)
 Removes the specified child from the parent collection. More...
void SetParent (IParent parent)
 Used by BusinessListBase as a child object is created to tell the child object about its parent. More...
object GetDeletedList ()
 Used by ObjectFactory to gain access to the list of deleted items contained in the collection. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.ISupportUndo
void BeginEdit ()
 Starts a nested edit on the object. More...
void CancelEdit ()
 Cancels the current edit process, restoring the object's state to its previous values. More...
void ApplyEdit ()
 Commits the current edit process. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.IUndoableObject
void CopyState (int parentEditLevel, bool parentBindingEdit)
 Copies the state of the object and places the copy onto the state stack. More...
void UndoChanges (int parentEditLevel, bool parentBindingEdit)
 Restores the object's state to the most recently copied values from the state stack. More...
void AcceptChanges (int parentEditLevel, bool parentBindingEdit)
 Accepts any changes made to the object since the last state copy was made. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.ISavable< T >
object Save ()
 Saves the object to the database. More...
object Save (bool forceUpdate)
 Saves the object to the database. More...
Task< object > SaveAsync ()
 Saves the object to the database. More...
Task< object > SaveAsync (bool forceUpdate)
 Saves the object to the database. More...
Task SaveAndMergeAsync ()
 Saves the object to the database, merging the result into the original object graph More...
Task SaveAndMergeAsync (bool forceUpdate)
 Saves the object to the database, merging the result into the original object graph More...
void SaveComplete (object newObject)
Save ()
 Saves the object to the database. More...
Save (bool forceUpdate)
 Saves the object to the database. More...
Task< T > SaveAsync ()
 Saves the object to the database. More...
Task< T > SaveAsync (bool forceUpdate)
 Saves the object to the database. More...
Task SaveAndMergeAsync ()
 Saves the object to the database, merging the result into the original object graph More...
Task SaveAndMergeAsync (bool forceUpdate)
 Saves the object to the database, merging the result into the original object graph More...
void SaveComplete (T newObject)
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.IParent
void RemoveChild (Core.IEditableBusinessObject child)
 This method is called by a child object when it wants to be removed from the collection. More...
void ApplyEditChild (Core.IEditableBusinessObject child)
 Override this method to be notified when a child object's Core.BusinessBase.ApplyEdit method has completed. More...
int GetNextIdentity (int current)
 Gets and consumes the next available unique identity value for an object instance in the object graph. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Core.IObservableBindingList
object AddNew ()
 Creates and adds a new item to the collection. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Serialization.Mobile.ISerializationNotification
void Deserialized ()
 Method called on an object after deserialization is complete. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from Csla.Serialization.Mobile.IMobileObject
void GetState (SerializationInfo info)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should serialize its data. More...
void GetChildren (SerializationInfo info, MobileFormatter formatter)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should serialize its child references. More...
void SetState (SerializationInfo info)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should be deserialized. More...
void SetChildren (SerializationInfo info, MobileFormatter formatter)
 Method called by MobileFormatter when an object should deserialize its child references. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.IBusinessObject
int Identity [get]
 Gets a value representing this object instance's unique identity value within the business object graph. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.ITrackStatus
bool IsValid [get]
 Returns true if the object and its child objects are currently valid, false if the object or any of its child objects have broken rules or are otherwise invalid. More...
bool IsSelfValid [get]
 Returns true if the object is currently valid, false if the object has broken rules or is otherwise invalid. More...
bool IsDirty [get]
 Returns true if this object's data, or any of its fields or child objects data, has been changed. More...
bool IsSelfDirty [get]
 Returns true if this object's data has been changed. More...
bool IsDeleted [get]
 Returns true if this object is marked for deletion. More...
bool IsNew [get]
 Returns true if this is a new object, false if it is a pre-existing object. More...
bool IsSavable [get]
 Returns true if this object is both dirty and valid. More...
bool IsChild [get]
 Returns true if this is a child object, false if it is a root object. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.INotifyBusy
bool IsBusy [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether the object, or any of the object's child objects, are busy running an asynchronous operation. More...
bool IsSelfBusy [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether the object is busy running an asynchronous operation. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.IUndoableObject
int EditLevel [get]
 Gets the current edit level of the object. More...
- Properties inherited from Csla.Core.IParent
IParent Parent [get]
 Provide access to the parent reference for use in child object code. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.INotifyBusy
BusyChangedEventHandler BusyChanged
 Event raised when the object's busy status changes. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.INotifyUnhandledAsyncException
EventHandler< ErrorEventArgsUnhandledAsyncException
 Event indicating that an exception occurred during an asynchronous operation. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.ISavable< T >
EventHandler< SavedEventArgsSaved
 Event raised when an object has been saved. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.IObservableBindingList
EventHandler< RemovingItemEventArgsRemovingItem
 Event indicating that an item is being removed from the list. More...
- Events inherited from Csla.Core.INotifyChildChanged
EventHandler< ChildChangedEventArgsChildChanged
 Event indictating that a child object has changed. More...

Detailed Description

This is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived.

Template Parameters
CType of the child objects contained in the list.

Definition at line 15 of file IBusinessListBase.cs.