►NCsla | |
►NAnalyzers | |
►NExtensions | |
CDataPortalOperationQualification | |
►NIntegrationTests | |
CA | |
CAsynchronousRuleNewSchool | |
CAsynchronousRuleOldSchool | |
CB | |
CBusyProperties | |
CC | |
CCallingComplete | |
CCallingCompleteWithNameof | |
CCallingMethods | |
CClassIsNotStereotype | |
CClassIsStereotypeAndIsNotSerializable | |
CClassIsStereotypeAndIsSerializable | |
CExecuteWithAdd | |
CExecuteWithAddAndNameof | |
CExecuteWithoutAdd | |
CInternalConstructorTest | |
CMyCommandBase | |
CNonSerializedObject | |
CNotAStereotype | |
COperationReturnValues | |
COperationReturnValuesNotCsla | |
COperationsAndAttributes | |
►COuterClass | |
CNestedClass | |
CPrivateConstructorTest | |
CPrivateConstructorTestNoArguments | |
CPropertiesAndRegions | |
CPropertyDefinitionTests | |
CPublicConstructorExplicitNoArgumentTest | |
CPublicConstructorTest | |
CPublicConstructorWithArgumentsTest | |
CPublicForInterface | |
CPublicOperation | |
CRefAndOutOperationParameters | |
CRunningChildrenLocally | |
CSerializableArgumentTests | |
CSerializedObject | |
CSomeCriteria | |
CStaticOperation | |
CUsedByCallingMethods | |
►NTests | |
►NExtensions | |
CDataPortalOperationQualificationTests | |
CIMethodSymbolExtensionsTests | |
CITypeSymbolExtensionsTests | |
CSyntaxNodeExtensionsTests | |
CAsynchronousBusinessRuleInheritingFromBusinessRuleAnalyzerTests | |
CAsynchronousBusinessRuleInheritingFromBusinessRuleChangeToBusinessRuleAsyncCodeFixTests | |
CBusinessRuleDoesNotUseAddMethodsOnContextAnalyzerTests | |
CCheckConstructorsAnalyzerPublicConstructorCodeFixTests | |
CCheckConstructorsAnalyzerTests | |
CContainsInvocationExpressionWalkerTests | |
CDoesChildOperationHaveRunLocalAnalyzerTests | |
CDoesChildOperationHaveRunLocalRemoveAttributeCodeFixTests | |
CDoesOperationHaveAttributeAddAttributeCodeFixTests | |
CDoesOperationHaveAttributeAnalyzerTests | |
CEvaluateManagedBackingFieldsAnalayzerTests | |
CEvaluateManagedBackingFieldsCodeFixTests | |
CEvaluateManagedBackingFieldsWalkerTests | |
CEvaluateOperationAttributeUsageAnalyzerTests | |
CEvaluatePropertiesForSimplicityAnalyzerTests | |
CFindBusinessObjectCreationAnalyzerTests | |
CFindGetOrReadInvocationsWalkerTests | |
CFindOperationsWithIncorrectReturnTypeResolveCorrectTypeCodeFixTests | |
CFindOperationsWithIncorrectReturnTypesAnalyzerTests | |
CFindOperationsWithNonSerializableArgumentsAnalyzerTests | |
CFindRefAndOutParametersInOperationsAnalyzerTests | |
CFindSaveAssignmentIssueAnalyzerAddAssignmentCodeFixTests | |
CFindSaveAssignmentIssueAnalyzerAddAsyncAssignmentCodeFixTests | |
CFindSaveAssignmentIssueAnalyzerTests | |
CFindSetOrLoadInvocationsWalkerTests | |
CHelpUrlBuilderTests | |
CIsBusinessObjectSerializableAnalyzerTests | |
CIsBusinessObjectSerializableMakeSerializableCodeFixTests | |
CIsCompleteCalledInAsynchronousBusinessRuleAnalyzerTests | |
CIsCompleteCalledInAsynchronousBusinessRuleRemoveCallCodeFixTests | |
CIsOperationMethodPublicAnalyzerTests | |
CIsOperationMethodPublicMakeNonPublicCodeFixTests | |
CAsynchronousBusinessRuleInheritingFromBusinessRuleAnalyzer | |
CAsynchronousBusinessRuleInheritingFromBusinessRuleChangeToBusinessRuleAsyncCodeFix | |
CBusinessRuleDoesNotUseAddMethodsOnContextAnalyzer | |
CCheckConstructorsAnalyzer | |
CCheckConstructorsAnalyzerPublicConstructorCodeFix | |
CDoesChildOperationHaveRunLocalAnalyzer | |
CDoesChildOperationHaveRunLocalRemoveAttributeCodeFix | |
CDoesOperationHaveAttributeAddAttributeCodeFix | |
CDoesOperationHaveAttributeAnalyzer | |
CEvaluateManagedBackingFieldsAnalayzer | |
CEvaluateManagedBackingFieldsCodeFix | |
CEvaluateOperationAttributeUsageAnalyzer | |
CEvaluatePropertiesForSimplicityAnalyzer | |
CFindBusinessObjectCreationAnalyzer | |
CFindOperationsWithIncorrectReturnTypeResolveCorrectTypeCodeFix | |
CFindOperationsWithIncorrectReturnTypesAnalyzer | |
CFindOperationsWithNonSerializableArgumentsAnalyzer | |
CFindRefAndOutParametersInOperationsAnalyzer | |
CFindSaveAssignmentIssueAnalyzer | |
CFindSaveAssignmentIssueAnalyzerAddAssignmentCodeFix | |
CFindSaveAssignmentIssueAnalyzerAddAsyncAssignmentCodeFix | |
CIsBusinessObjectSerializableAnalyzer | |
CIsBusinessObjectSerializableMakeSerializableCodeFix | |
CIsCompleteCalledInAsynchronousBusinessRuleAnalyzer | |
CIsCompleteCalledInAsynchronousBusinessRuleRemoveCallCodeFix | |
CIsOperationMethodPublicAnalyzer | |
CIsOperationMethodPublicMakeNonPublicCodeFix | |
►NAspNetCore | |
►NMvc | |
►NTagHelpers | |
CCslaErrorsTagHelper | Razor tag helper that displays CSLA .NET validation error text in a span |
CCslaInformationTagHelper | Razor tag helper that displays CSLA .NET information text in a span |
CCslaWarningsTagHelper | Razor tag helper that displays CSLA .NET validation warning text in a span |
►NRazorPages | |
CPageModel | Custom PageModel for CSLA .NET |
CApplicationContextManagerHttpContext | Application context manager that uses HttpContextAccessor when resolving HttpContext to store context values |
CPropertyInfo | Exposes metastate for a property |
►NAxml | |
►NBinding | |
CBinding | Contains an individual binding to tie a property on an Axml view to the property on a supplied object |
CBindingManager | Provides the ability to bing properties on Axml controls to properties on CSLA objects |
CActivityBase | CSLA helper to be used in place of the normal Xamarin Android activity that contains a reference to a CSLA ViewModel and a BindingManager |
►CResource | |
CAttribute | |
CString | |
►NBlazor | |
►NAuthentication | |
CCslaAuthenticationStateProvider | Basic implementation of AuthenticationStateProvider |
►NTest | |
►NFakes | |
CFakePerson | |
CFakePersonEmailAddress | |
CFakePersonEmailAddresses | |
►NRules | |
COneOfSeveralStringsRequiredRule | Business rule for when one of two strings must be provided |
CApplicationContextTests | |
CEditContextCslaExtensionsTests | |
CTestAuthenticationStateProvider | |
►NWebAssembly | |
CApplicationContextManager | Application context manager that uses HttpContextAccessor when resolving HttpContext to store context values |
CCslaPermissionRequirement | CSLA permissions requirement |
CCslaPermissionsHandler | Authorization handler for CSLA permissions |
CCslaPermissionsPolicyProvider | CSLA permissions policy provider |
CCslaValidationMessageBase | Validation message base type |
CCslaValidator | Class offering integration of CSLA validation into Blazor edit forms This is a component with no visible behaviour; it simply requests hook up of validation |
CHasPermissionAttribute | Authorizes user if they have permission |
CIPropertyInfo | Exposes metastate for a property |
CPropertyInfo | Exposes metastate for a property |
CViewModel | Base type for creating your own viewmodel |
►NChannels | |
►NGrpc | |
CGrpcPortal | Exposes server-side DataPortal functionality through gRPC |
CGrpcProxy | Implements a data portal proxy to relay data portal calls to a remote application server by using gRPC |
CGrpcProxyOptions | Options for GrpcProxy |
►NHttp | |
CHttpCompressionProxy | Implements a data portal proxy to relay data portal calls to a remote application server by using http |
CHttpProxy | Implements a data portal proxy to relay data portal calls to a remote application server by using http |
CHttpProxyOptions | Options for HttpProxy |
►NLocal | |
CLocalProxy | Implements a data portal proxy to relay data portal calls to an application server hosted locally in the client process and AppDomain |
CLocalProxyOptions | Options for LocalProxy |
►NRabbitMq | |
CRabbitMqPortal | Exposes server-side DataPortal functionality through RabbitMQ |
CRabbitMqProxy | Implements a data portal proxy to relay data portal calls to a remote application server by using RabbitMQ |
CRabbitMqProxyOptions | Options for RabbitMqProxy |
►NConfiguration | |
CAspNetCoreConfigurationOptions | Options that can be provided to the AddAspNetCore method |
CBlazorServerConfigurationOptions | Options that can be provided to the WithBlazorServerSupport method |
CConfigurationErrorsException | Exception thrown due to configuration errors |
CConnectionStringSettings | Information about a connection string |
CConnectionStringSettingsCollection | Collection of connection strings |
CCslaConfigurationOptions | Contains configuration options which can be loaded using dot net core configuration subsystem |
CCslaDataPortalConfigurationOptions | Use this type to configure the settings for the CSLA .NET data portal using dot net core |
CCslaOptions | Use this type to configure the settings for CSLA .NET |
CDataOptions | Use this type to configure the settings for the CSLA .NET data subsystem |
CDataPortalClientOptions | Client-side data portal options |
CDataPortalServerOptions | Server-side data portal options |
CSecurityOptions | Use this type to configure the settings for security |
CSerializationOptions | Use this type to configure the settings for serialization |
CWindowsFormsOptions | Configuration options for AddWindowsForms method |
CXamlOptions | Configuration options for AddXaml method |
►NCore | |
►NFieldManager | |
CFieldData | Contains a field value and related metadata |
CFieldDataManager | Manages properties and property data for a business object |
CIFieldData | Defines the members required by a field data storage object |
CPropertyInfoList | List of IPropertyInfo objects for a business object type |
►NLoadManager | |
CAsyncLoadException | Exception class to add the PropertyInfo and better nmessage to an async exception |
►NTypeConverters | |
CSmartDateConverter | Converts values to and from a SmartDate |
CAddedNewEventArgs | Object containing information about a newly added object |
CApplicationContextAccessor | Provides access to the correct current application context manager instance depending on runtime environment |
CApplicationContextManager | Default context manager for the user property and local/client/global context dictionaries |
CApplicationContextManagerAsyncLocal | Application context manager using AsyncLocal for user and context dictionaries |
CApplicationContextManagerStatic | Context manager for the user property and local/client/global context dictionaries that uses static fields to maintain per-thread context |
CApplicationContextManagerTls | Context manager for the user property and local/client/global context dictionaries that uses thread local storage (TLS) to maintain per-thread context |
CBindableBase | This class implements INotifyPropertyChanged and INotifyPropertyChanging in a serialization-safe manner |
CBusinessBase | This is the non-generic base class from which most business objects will be derived |
CBusyChangedEventArgs | Event arguments for the BusyChanged event |
CChildChangedEventArgs | Contains event data about the changed child object |
CContextDictionary | Dictionary type that is serializable with the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter() |
CErrorEventArgs | Event arguments for an unhandled async exception |
CExtendedBindingList | Extends BindingList of T by adding extra behaviors |
CGraphMerger | Implements behavior to merge one object graph into a clone of itself (typically post-serialization) |
CIBusinessObject | This is the core interface implemented by all CSLA .NET base classes |
CICheckRules | Defines the common methods for any business object which exposes means to supress and check business rules |
CICommandObject | This interface is implemented by all Command objects |
CIContextManager | Defines the interface for an application context manager type |
CIContextManagerLocal | Subtype of IContextManager for use by LocalProxy |
CIdentityManager | Used by the root object in a graph to manage the object instance identity values for the graph |
CIEditableBusinessObject | Defines the common methods required by all editable CSLA single objects |
CIEditableCollection | Defines the common methods required by all editable CSLA collection objects |
CIExtendedBindingList | Extends IBindingList by adding extra events |
CIMemberInfo | Maintains metadata about a method or property |
CINotifyBusy | Interface defining an object that notifies when it is busy executing an asynchronous operation |
CINotifyChildChanged | Implemented by classes that notify when a child object has changed |
CINotifyUnhandledAsyncException | Implemented by an object that perfoms asynchronous operations that may raise exceptions |
CInvalidQueryException | |
CIObservableBindingList | Defines additional elements for an ObservableCollection as required by CSLA .NET |
CIParent | Defines the interface that must be implemented by any business object that contains child objects |
CIPropertyInfo | Maintains metadata about a property |
CIPropertyInfoFactory | Defines the interface for a factory object that creates IPropertyInfo objects |
CIReadOnlyCollection | Interface implemented by all read-only collection classes |
CIReadOnlyObject | Specifies that the object is a readonly business object |
CIReportTotalRowCount | Implement this interface in a collection to report a total row count to Csla.Web.CslaDataSource, where that row count is different from the collection's normal Count property value |
CISavable | Specifies that the object can save itself |
CISmartField | Defines members required for smart data types that understand the concept of being empty, and representing an empty value as an empty string |
CISupportUndo | Define the common methods used by the UI to interact with n-level undo |
CITrackStatus | Defines the common properties required objects that track their own status |
CIUndoableObject | Defines the methods required to participate in n-level undo within the CSLA .NET framework |
CIUseApplicationContext | Implement if a class requires access to the CSLA ApplicationContext type |
CManagedObjectBase | Base class for an object that is serializable using SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter() |
CMetaPropertyChangedEventArgs | Used to distinguish Meta Properties |
►CMobileBindingList | Inherit from this base class to easily create a serializable list class |
CLoadListModeObject | Class that allows setting of property values on current business object without raising PropertyChanged events and checking user rights |
CMobileDictionary | Defines a dictionary that can be serialized through the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter() |
CMobileList | Implements a list that is serializable using the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter() |
CMobileObject | Inherit from this base class to easily create a serializable class |
►CMobileObservableCollection | Inherit from this base class to easily create a serializable list class |
CLoadListModeObject | Class that allows setting of property values on current business object without raising PropertyChanged events and checking user rights |
CObjectCloner | This class provides an implementation of a deep clone of a complete object graph |
CObservableBindingList | Extends ObservableCollection with behaviors required by CSLA .NET collections |
CReadOnlyBindingList | A readonly version of BindingList(Of T) |
CReadOnlyObservableBindingList | A readonly version of ObservableBindingList |
CRemovingItemEventArgs | Contains event data for the RemovingItem event |
CSavedEventArgs | Event arguments containing a reference to the new object that was returned as a result of the Save() operation |
CUndoableBase | Implements n-level undo capabilities as described in Chapters 2 and 3 |
CUndoException | Exception indicating a problem with the use of the n-level undo feature in CSLA .NET |
►NData | |
►NSqlClient | |
CSafeSqlDataReader | This is a SqlDataReader that 'fixes' any null values before they are returned to our business code |
CConnectionManager | Provides an automated way to reuse open database connections within the context of a single data portal operation |
CContextManager | Provides an automated way to reuse LINQ data context objects within the context of a single data portal operation |
CDataMap | Defines a mapping between two sets of properties/fields for use by DataMapper |
CDataServiceContextManager | Provides an automated way to reuse an ADO.NET Data Services context object within the context of a single data portal operation |
CObjectAdapter | An ObjectAdapter is used to convert data in an object or collection into a DataTable |
CObjectContextManager | Provides an automated way to reuse Entity Framework object context objects within the context of a single data portal operation |
CSafeDataReader | This is an IDataReader that 'fixes' any null values before they are returned to our business code |
CServiceClientManager | Provides an automated way to reuse a service client proxy objects within the context of a single data portal operation |
CTransactionManager | Provides an automated way to reuse open database connections and associated ADO.NET transactions within the context of a single data portal operation |
►NDataPortalClient | |
CDataPortalFactory | Get an access to a client-side data portal instance |
CDataPortalProxy | Implements a data portal proxy to relay data portal calls to a remote application server |
CDataPortalProxyDescriptor | Describes the data portal proxy for use by a specific business object type |
CIDataPortalProxy | Interface implemented by client-side data portal proxy objects |
CPrimitiveCriteria | Class used as a wrapper for criteria based requests that use primitives |
►NGenerators | |
►NCSharp | |
►NAutoSerialization | |
►NDiscovery | |
CAutoSerializableReceiver | Determine the types for which we must perform source generation |
CExtractedContainerDefinition | The definition of a container of a type, extracted from the syntax tree provided by Roslyn |
CExtractedFieldDefinition | The definition of a field, extracted from the syntax tree provided by Roslyn |
CExtractedMemberTypeDefinition | The definition of a member's type, extracted from the syntax tree provided by Roslyn |
CExtractedPropertyDefinition | The definition of a property, extracted from the syntax tree provided by Roslyn |
CExtractedTypeDefinition | The definition of a type, extracted from the syntax tree provided by Roslyn |
CGenerationResults | The results of source generation |
CIMemberDefinition | The contract which a member definition must fulfil |
CSerializationPartialsGenerator | Source Generator for generating partial classes to complete decorated types that must offer automated serialization through the IMobileObject interface |
►NTestObjects | |
CAddressPOCO | |
CEmailAddress | Object already implementing IMobileObject that can be used for testing serialization behaviour |
CNestingPOCO | A class including a private nested class for which automatic serialization code is to be generated |
CNestingPOCO2 | A second class including a private nested class for which automatic serialization code is to be generated This checks for naming clashes, as its child class is named the same as the one in NestingPOCO |
CPersonPOCO | A class for which automatic serialization code is to be generated Includes children of various types to support multiple testing scenarios |
CPoint | Struct that can be used for testing serialization behaviour |
►NTests | |
CNestingPOCO2Tests | Tests of serialization of the NestingPOCO2 class |
CNestingPOCOTests | Tests of serialization of the NestingPOCO class |
CPersonPOCOTests | Tests of serialization on the PersonPOCO class and its children |
CPointTests | Tests of serialization of the Point struct |
►NIos | |
►NTest | |
►NResourceStrings | |
CResourceStringTests | |
CApplication | |
CNullableEntity | |
CNullableTests | |
CUnitTestAppDelegate | |
►NIosui | |
►NBinding | |
CBinding | Contains an individual binding to tie a property on an Axml view to the property on a supplied object |
CBindingManager | Provides the ability to bing properties on iOS UI controls to properties on CSLA objects |
CViewControllerBase | CSLA helper to be used in place of the normal Xamarin Android activity that contains a reference to a CSLA ViewModel and a BindingManager |
►NProperties | |
CResources | A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc |
►NReflection | |
CCallMethodException | This exception is returned from the CallMethod method in the server-side DataPortal and contains the exception thrown by the underlying business object method that was being invoked |
CLateBoundObject | Enables simple invocation of methods against the contained object using late binding |
CServiceProviderMethodCaller | Methods to dynamically find/invoke methods with data portal and DI provided params |
CServiceProviderMethodInfo | Class that contains cached metadata about data portal method to be invoked |
►NRules | |
►NCommonRules | |
CCommonBusinessRule | Base class used to create common rules |
CDataAnnotation | Business rule that encapsulates a DataAnnotations ValidationAttribute rule |
CDependency | A rule that establishes a dependency between two properties |
CInfoMessage | Adds an information message to a property |
CIsInRole | IsInRole authorization rule |
CIsNotInRole | IsNotInRole authorization rule |
CLambda | A business rule defined by a lambda expression |
CMaxLength | Business rule for a maximum length string |
CMaxValue | Business rule for a maximum value |
CMinLength | Business rule for a minimum length string |
CMinValue | Business rule for a minimum value |
CRegExMatch | Business rule that evaluates a regular expression |
CRequired | Business rule for a required string |
CAddObjectAuthorizationRulesContext | Context for the AddObjectAuthorizationRulesContext method |
CAuthorizationContext | Context information provided to an authorization rule when it is invoked |
CAuthorizationRule | Base class providing basic authorization rule implementation |
CAuthorizationRuleManager | Manages the list of authorization rules for a business type |
CBrokenRule | Stores details about a specific broken business rule |
CBrokenRulesCollection | A collection of currently broken rules |
CBrokenRulesNode | Holds broken rules for an Node in the BrokenRulesTree |
CBrokenRulesTree | Holds a list of broken rules tree list |
CBusinessRule | Base class used to create business and validation rules |
CBusinessRuleAsync | Base class used to create async business and validation rules |
CBusinessRuleBase | Base class used to create business and validation rules |
CBusinessRuleManager | Manages the list of rules for a business type |
CBusinessRules | Tracks the business rules for a business object |
CIAddObjectAuthorizationRulesContext | Context for the AddObjectAuthorizationRulesContext method |
CIAuthorizationContext | Implemented by objects which provide context information to an authorization rule when it is invoked |
CIAuthorizationRule | Interface defining an authorization rule implementation |
CIBusinessRule | Interface defining a business/validation rule implementation |
CIBusinessRuleAsync | Interface defining a business/validation rule implementation |
CIBusinessRuleBase | Interface defining a business/validation rule implementation |
CIBusinessRules | Public interfacefor IBusinessRules |
CIHostRules | Defines the interaction between the rules engine and a business object that hosts the rules |
CIRuleContext | Context information provided to a business rule when it is invoked |
CObjectRule | Base class for object level rules |
CObjectRuleAsync | Base class for object level rules |
CPropertyRule | Base class for a property rule |
CPropertyRuleAsync | Base class for a property rule |
CRuleContext | Context information provided to a business rule when it is invoked |
CRuleResult | Contains information about the result of a rule |
CRuleUri | Parses a rule:// URI to provide easy access to the parts of the URI |
CValidationException | Exception class indicating that there was a validation problem with a business object |
►NRuntime | |
CIRuntimeInfo | Information about the current runtime environment |
CRuntimeInfo | Information about the current runtime environment |
►NSecurity | |
CCslaClaimsPrincipal | ClaimsPrincipal subclass that supports serialization by SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter() |
CIAuthorizeReadWrite | Defines the authorization interface through which an object can indicate which properties the current user can read and write |
CICheckRoles | Interface defining an object that checks IsInRole |
CICslaIdentity | Provides a base type to simplify creation of a .NET identity object for use with ICslaPrincipal |
CICslaPrincipal | Defines the base requirements for the interface of any CSLA principal object |
CSecurityException | Security exception |
CUsernameCriteria | Criteria class for passing a username/password pair to a custom identity class |
►NSerialization | |
►NMobile | |
CCslaBinaryReader | This is a class that is responsible for deserializing SerializationInfo objects for receiving the data from client / server |
CCslaBinaryWriter | This is a class that is responsible for serializing SerializationInfo objects into a Stream for sending the data t client / server |
CCslaLegacyBinaryReader | This is a legacy version of CslaBinaryReader |
CCslaLegacyBinaryWriter | This is a legacy version of CslaBinaryWriter |
CCslaNonClosingBinaryWriter | This class is used to get around the issue in .NET framework, where underlying stream is closed by a writer that writes to that stream when said writer is disposed |
CCslaXmlBinaryReader | This class uses DataContractSerializer and XmlDictionaryReader classes to read the data from a stream |
CCslaXmlBinaryWriter | This class uses DataContractSerializer and XmlDictionaryWriter classes to write the data to a stream |
CCslaXmlReader | This class uses DataContractSerializer and XmlReader classes to read the data from a stream |
CCslaXmlWriter | This class uses DataContractSerializer and XmlWriter classes to write the data to a stream |
CICslaReader | Represents a reader class that can be used to read the data sent across the wire in byte array format when communicating between server and client in both directions |
CICslaWriter | Represents a class that can be used to write a list of SerializationInfo objects into a stream, typically MemoryStream |
CIMobileList | Extension of IMobileObject for list types |
CIMobileObject | Interface to be implemented by any object that supports serialization by the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter() |
CISerializationNotification | Interface defining callback methods used by the SerializationFormatterFactory.GetFormatter() |
CMobileFormatter | Serializes and deserializes objects at the field level |
CNullPlaceholder | Placeholder for null child objects |
CReferenceComparer | Implements an equality comparer for IMobileObject that compares the objects only on the basis is the reference value |
►CSerializationInfo | Object containing the serialization data for a specific object |
CChildData | Object that contains information about a single child reference |
CFieldData | Object that contains information about a single field |
CAutoNonSerializedAttribute | Indicate that a public field or property should be excluded from auto serialization |
CAutoSerializableAttribute | Indicate that a type should be auto serialized |
CAutoSerializedAttribute | Indicate that a non-public field or property should be included in auto serialization |
CBinaryFormatterWrapper | Wraps the BinaryFormatter in the ISerializationFormatter interface so it can be used in a standardized manner |
CISerializationFormatter | Defines an object that can serialize and deserialize object graphs |
CNetDataContractSerializerWrapper | Wraps the NetDataContractSerializer in the ISerializationFormatter interface so it can be used in a standardized manner |
►NServer | |
►NDashboard | |
CActivity | Information about a server-side data portal invocation |
CDashboard | Data portal server dashboard |
CIDashboard | Data portal server dashboard |
CNullDashboard | Data portal server dashboard that records no data and consumes no meaningful overhead |
►NHosts | |
►NDataPortalChannel | |
CCriteriaRequest | Message sent to the WCF data portal |
CDataPortalErrorInfo | Message containing details about any server-side exception |
CDataPortalResponse | Response message for returning the results of a data portal call |
CUpdateRequest | Request message for updating a business object |
CHttpPortal | Exposes server-side DataPortal functionality through HTTP request/response |
CHttpPortalController | Exposes server-side DataPortal functionality through HTTP request/response |
►NInterceptors | |
►NServerSide | |
CRevalidatingInterceptor | DataPortal interceptor to perform revalidation on business objects |
CActiveAuthorizer | Implementation of the authorizer that checks per-type authorization rules for each request |
CAuthorizeRequest | Object containing information about the client request to the data portal |
CChildDataPortal | Invoke data portal methods on child objects |
CChildDataPortalFactory | Get an access to a Child data portal instance |
CDataPortal | Implements the server-side DataPortal message router as discussed in Chapter 4 |
CDataPortalBroker | Allows the Data Portal call to be intercepted by a custom IDataPortalServer implementation |
CDataPortalContext | Provides consistent context information between the client and server DataPortal objects |
CDataPortalException | This exception is returned from the server-side DataPortal and contains the exception and context data from the server |
CDataPortalExceptionHandler | This class provides a hook for developers to add custom error handling in the DataPortal |
CDataPortalResult | Returns data from the server-side DataPortal to the client-side DataPortal |
CDataPortalSelector | Selects the appropriate data portal implementation to invoke based on the object and configuration |
CEmptyCriteria | Empty criteria used by the data portal as a placeholder for a create/fetch request that has no criteria |
CFactoryDataPortal | Server-side data portal implementation that invokes an object factory rather than directly interacting with the business object |
CGenericBusinessException | This exception is returned as BusinessException in DataPortalException when the serverside/inner exception is not serializable |
CIAuthorizeDataPortal | Interface to be implemented by a custom authorization provider |
CIDataPortalActivator | Defines a type used to activate concrete business instances |
CIDataPortalExceptionInspector | Implement this interface to check a DataPortalException before returning Exception to the client |
CIDataPortalServer | Interface implemented by server-side data portal components |
CIInterceptDataPortal | Implement this interface to create a data portal interceptor that is notified each time the data portal is invoked and completes processing |
CInterceptArgs | Arguments parameter passed to the interceptor methods |
CInterceptorManager | Manage dataportal interception using DI-registered implementations |
CIObjectFactoryLoader | Defines an interface to be implemented by a factory loader object that returns ObjectFactory objects based on the ObjectFactory attributes used to decorate CSLA .NET business objects |
CMobileFactoryAttribute | Specifies that the WCF data portal should invoke a factory object rather than the business object |
CNullAuthorizer | Implementation of the authorizer that allows all data portal calls to pass |
CNullCriteria | Null criteria used by the data portal as a placeholder for a create/fetch request that has a single null criteria parameter |
CObjectFactory | Base class to be used when creating a data portal factory object |
CObjectFactoryAttribute | Specifies that the data portal should invoke a factory object rather than the business object |
CObjectFactoryLoader | Class containing the default implementation for the FactoryLoader delegate used by the data portal host |
CSanitizingExceptionInspector | Sanitizing implementation of exception inspector, for hiding sensitive information in exception details |
CServerException | Sanitized server-side data portal exception; used to avoid the transmission of sensitive server-side information to the client in remote data portal operations |
CServicedDataPortalReadCommitted | Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4 |
CServicedDataPortalReadUncommitted | Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4 |
CServicedDataPortalRepeatableRead | Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4 |
CServicedDataPortalSerializable | Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4 |
CSimpleDataPortal | Implements the server-side DataPortal as discussed in Chapter 4 |
CTransactionalDataPortal | Implements the server-side Serviced DataPortal described in Chapter 4 |
►NTest | |
►NAppContext | |
CAppContextTests | |
CAppContextThread | |
CExceptionRoot | |
CSimpleRoot | |
CTestContextManager | |
►NAppDomainTests | |
CAppDomainTestClass | |
►NAuthorization | |
CAuthRuleExpectsCriteria | |
CAuthTests | |
CChildItem | |
CIPerTypeAuthRoot | |
►CPermissionRootWithCriteria | |
CCriteria | |
CPerTypeAuthDPActivator | |
CPerTypeAuthorization | |
CPerTypeAuthorizationTests | |
CPerTypeAuthRoot | |
CReadonlyAuthorizationTests | |
CReadOnlyPerson | |
CRootException | |
CRootList | |
►NBasic | |
CBasicTests | |
CChild | |
CChildren | |
CCollectionTests | |
CCommandObject | |
CFormSimulator | |
CGenRoot | |
►CGenRootBase | |
CCriteria | |
CGrandChild | |
CGrandChildren | |
CNameValueListObj | |
►CRoot | |
CCriteria | |
CRootList | |
CRootListChild | |
CSerializableListener | |
CTestCollection | |
CTestItem | |
►NBasicModern | |
CBasicModernTests | |
CChild | |
CChildList | |
CRoot | |
►NBusinessListBase | |
CBusinessListBaseTests | |
CChild | |
CChildList | |
CRoot | |
CRootList | |
►NBypassPropertyChecks | |
CBypassBusinessBase | |
CBypassBusinessBaseUsingFactory | |
CBypassPropertyChecksTests | |
CTestObjectFactory | |
►NChildChanged | |
CChildChangedTests | |
CContainsList | |
CGrandchild | |
CListContainerList | |
►COptimizeChildChangedTests | |
CEventDetail | |
CSimpleBO | |
CSimpleBOList | |
CSingleChild | |
CSingleList | |
CSingleRoot | |
►NChildrenByInterface | |
CChildInterfaceTests | |
CIItem | |
CItem1 | |
CItem2 | |
CItemList | |
►NCommandBase | |
CCommandBaseTest | Summary description for CommandBaseTest |
CCommandObject | |
►NCslaDataProvider | |
CCslaDataProviderTests | |
►CCustomer | |
CFetchCriteria | |
CProviderChild | |
CProviderList | |
►NData | |
CContextTests | |
CDataPortalTestDatabaseEntities | No Metadata Documentation available |
CTable1 | |
CTable2 | No Metadata Documentation available |
CTestLinqToSqlContextDataContext | |
CTransactionContextUser | |
CTransactionContextUserList | |
►NDataAnnotations | |
CCustom | |
CDataAnnotationsTests | |
CMultiple | |
CMultipleMeta | |
CMultipleMetaDataClass | |
CSingle | |
CTestRuleAttribute | |
►NDataBinding | |
CChildEntity | |
CChildEntityList | |
CParentEntity | |
►NDataMapper | |
CDataMapperTests | |
CDataMapTarget | |
CManagedTarget | |
►NDataPortal | |
CArrayDataPortalClass | |
CArrayTests | |
CAsynchDataPortalTest | |
CAuthorizeDataPortalTests | |
CChildDataPortalTests | |
CClassA | |
CClassB | |
CCriteriaMappingTests | |
CCustomDataPortalServer | |
CCustomException | |
CDataPortalExceptionTests | |
CDataPortalTests | |
CDisposableClass | |
CDisposeScopeTest | |
CDpRoot | |
CEditableChild1 | |
CEditableChild2 | |
CEditableRoot1 | |
CEncapsulatedBusy | |
CESTransactionalRoot | |
CFactoryBusy | |
CFactoryBusyFactory | |
CInheritedOperationTests | |
CInitializeListRoot | |
CInitializeRoot | |
CInterceptorCommand | |
CInterceptorTests | |
CMultipleDataAccess | |
CMultipleDataAccessBase | |
CMultipleDataAccessTest | |
CPersonEdit | |
CPersonEditBase | |
CPersonList | |
►CPersonListBase | |
CCriteria | |
►CStronglyTypedDP | |
CCriteria | |
CTestActivator | |
CTestChild | |
CTestChildDeleteFallback | |
CTestInterceptor | |
CTransactionalRoot | |
►NDataPortalChild | |
CChild | |
CChildList | |
CDataPortalChildTests | |
CRoot | |
►NDataPortalTest | |
CLegacy | |
CLegacySplit | |
CLegacySplitBase | |
CLegacySplitTest | |
CLegacyTest | |
CPrimitiveCriteriaSingle | |
CSingle | |
CSingle2 | |
CSingleCommand | |
CSingleOverload | |
CSingleOverloadTest | |
CSingleTest | |
CSingleWithFactory | |
CSingleWithFactoryFactory | |
CSplit | |
CSplitBase | |
CSplitOverload | |
CSplitOverloadBase | |
CSplitOverloadTest | |
CSplitTest | |
►NDPException | |
CDataPortalExceptionTests | |
►NEditableRootList | |
CEditableRootListTests | |
CERitem | |
CERlist | |
►NFieldManager | |
►NAsync | |
CChild | |
CChildList | |
CChildUpdateTests | |
CRoot | |
CRootUpdateAllChildren | |
CChild | |
CChildList | |
CChildUpdateTests | |
CRoot | |
CRootUpdateAllChildren | |
►NGraphMerge | |
CFoo | |
CFooBindingList | |
CFooDynamicBindingList | |
CFooDynamicList | |
CFooList | |
CGraphMergerTests | |
CIdentityTests | |
►NIdentityConverter | |
CIdentityConverterTests | |
►NIO | |
CDPMethodOverloadTests | |
CIOTests | |
CTestBizObj | |
►NLazyLoad | |
CAChild | |
CAChildList | |
CAParent | |
CLazyLoadTests | |
►NLazySingelton | |
CLazySingeltonTest | This is a test class for LazySingeltonTest and is intended to contain all LazySingeltonTest Unit Tests /summary> |
►NLinq | |
CLinqObservableCollectionTest | This is a test class for LinqObservableCollectionTest and is intended to contain all LinqObservableCollectionTest Unit Tests /summary> |
CTestItem | |
CTestList | |
►NLogicalExecutionLocation | |
►CLocationBusinessBase | |
CCheckRule | |
CLogicalExecutionLocationTests | |
►NMethodCaller | |
CCaller1 | |
CCaller2 | |
CCaller3 | |
►CCreateConstructorTests | |
CNonPublic1 | |
CTestClass | |
CTestStruct | |
CFieldTests | |
CMethodCallerTests | |
CPropertyTests | |
►NNullable | |
CNullableObject | |
CNullableTests | |
►NObjectFactory | |
CCommandObject | |
CCommandObjectFactory | |
CCommandObjectMissingFactoryMethod | |
CMissingRoot | |
CObjectFactoryLoader | |
CObjectFactoryTests | |
CRoot | |
CRootFactory | |
CRootFactory1 | |
CRootFactory3 | |
CRootFactory4 | |
CRootFactory5 | |
CRootFactoryC | |
►NPropertyGetSet | |
CBadGetSet | |
CBadGetSetTwo | |
CChildList | |
CCommand | |
CEditableGetSet | |
CEditableGetSetBase | |
CEditableGetSetNFI | |
CEditableGetSetNFIBase | |
CEditableGetSetRuleValidation | |
CEditableGetSetRuleValidationTests | |
CEditableGetSetTopBase | |
CEditableGetSetTopNFIBase | |
CPropertyGetSetTests | |
CReadOnly | |
►NPropertyInfo | |
CPropertyInfoRoot | |
CPropertyInfoTests | |
CTestRoot | |
CXamlPropertyInfoTests | |
►NReflection | |
CGetConstructorTests | |
CHasStaticCtor | |
►NRollBack | |
►CRollbackRoot | |
CCriteria | |
CRollBackTests | |
►NSecurity | |
CPermissionsRoot | |
CPermissionsRoot2 | |
►NSerialization | |
CBinaryReaderWriterTestClass | |
CBinaryReaderWriterTestClassList | |
CClaimsPrincipalTests | |
CCslaClaimsPrincipalSerializationTests | |
CCustomFormatter | |
CDCRoot | |
CNonCslaChild | |
CnonSerializableEventHandler | |
CNonSerializedClass | |
COverrideSerializationRoot | |
CSerializationRoot | |
CSerializationTests | |
CTestCommand | |
CTestEventSink | |
►NServer | |
►NInterceptors | |
►NServerSide | |
CRevalidatingInterceptorTests | |
CChild | |
CChildren | |
CGrandChild | |
CGrandChildren | |
►CRoot | |
CCriteria | |
►NSilverlight | |
►NApplicationContext | |
CClientContextTests | |
CGlobalContextTests | |
►NDataPortal | |
CAuthorizeDataPortalTests | Set of integration tests for IAUthorizeDataPortal Notice 2 roundtrips to the server in each test, first being Execute Command, and second being a Data Portal call being tested |
►NPropertyGetSet | |
CAbstractGetSet | |
CInheritedLoadPropertySet | |
CPropertGetSetTests | |
►NRollback | |
CRollbackRoot | |
CUnitContextTestBase | |
►NSmartDate | |
CSDtest | |
CSmartDateTests | |
►NSortedBindingList | |
CMyChild | |
CMyChildren | |
CSortedBindingListTests | |
►NSourceLink | |
CPdbContentTests | |
►NThreading | |
CBusyLockTests | |
►NUtilities | |
CCoerseValueTests | |
CUtilitiesTestHelper | |
►NValidationRules | |
CAddressEdit | |
CAsyncRuleRoot | |
CAsyncRuleTests | |
►CBrokenRulesMergeRoot | |
CRuleBroken | |
CCalcSum | CalcSum rule will set primary property to the sum of all |
CCalcSumRule | |
CCalculateFractionRule | |
CCascadeRoot | |
CCascadeTests | |
CCheckLazyInputFieldExists | |
CChild | |
CChildList | |
CDataAnnotationsTests | |
CDirtyAfterOutValueChangesProperty | |
CGenericRule | |
►CHasAsyncRule | |
CRule1 | |
CRule2 | |
CRule3 | |
CHasBadRule | |
►CHasBadSharedRule | |
CBadRule | |
►CHasChildren | |
COneItem | |
►CHasInvalidAsyncRule | |
CInvalidAsyncValidationRule | |
CHasLambdaRules | |
CHasLazyField | |
CHasOnlyPerTypeRules | |
CHasPerTypeRules | |
CHasPerTypeRules2 | |
CHasPrivateFields | |
CHasRegEx | |
CHasRuleSetRules | |
►CHasRulesManager | |
CCriteria | |
►CHasRulesManager2 | |
CCriteria | |
CLessThan | Implements a rule to compare 2 property values and make sure property1 is less than property2 |
CLookupCustomer | |
CMinMaxNullableRules | |
CMyRule | |
►CNoErrorRoot | |
CAlwaysInfo | |
CAlwaysWarns | |
CPerTypeTests | |
CRootThrowsException | |
CRuleBaseClassesRoot | |
CRuleBaseClassesTests | This is a test class for RootTest and is intended to contain all RootTest Unit Tests /summary> |
CRuleContextTests | |
CRuleDescriptionTests | |
CRuleTestClass | |
CRuleTests | |
CRuleURITests | |
►CSeverityRoot | |
CAlwaysError | |
CAlwaysInfo | |
CAlwaysWarns | |
CSeverityTests | |
►CShortCircuit | |
CAlwaysFails | |
CAlwaysWarns | |
CShortCircuitTests | |
CTwoPropertyRules | |
CTwoProps | |
CUsesCommonRules | |
CValidateRootObject | |
CValidationTests | |
CИзилдрRule | |
►NViewModelTests | |
CTestViewModel | |
CViewModelTests | |
►NWindows | |
CActionExtenderTests | |
CBindingRefreshTests | |
CEditablePerson | |
CPersonForm | |
CReadWriteAuthorizationTests | |
CDataPortalTestDatabaseDataSet | Represents a strongly typed in-memory cache of data |
CStartup | |
CTestResults | Static dictionary-like class that offers similar functionality to GlobalContext This is used in tests to record the completion of operations, for testing that the operation occurred |
CWellKnownValues | |
►NTestHelpers | |
CApplicationContextManagerUnitTests | |
CTestDIContext | Type to carry context information for DI in unit tests |
CTestHostEnvironment | Basic implementation of IHostEnvironment, to support testing of anything that is dependent upon there being an implementation available |
►NTesting | |
►NBusiness | |
►NApplicationContext | |
CClientContextBOVerifier | |
CContextBOVerifier | |
CContextMessageValues | |
CGlobalContextBOVerifier | |
►NBusyStatus | |
►CItemWithAsynchRule | |
CFiveSecondsLongRule | |
CTwoSecondsLongRule | |
CItemWithAsynchRuleList | |
►NCommandBase | |
CTestCommandBase | |
►NDataPortal | |
CAsyncPortalWithCulture | |
CAuthorizeDataPortalStub | |
CDontAuthorizeDataPortalStub | |
CSetAppSettingValueCmd | |
CSingleWithException | |
CTestableDataPortal | Basically this test class exposes protected DataPortal constructor overloads to the Unit Testing System, allowing for a more fine-grained Unit Tests |
CTestBO | |
►NEditableChildTests | |
CGrandChild | |
CGrandChildList | |
CMockEditableChild | |
CMockList | |
►NEditableRootListTests | |
►CRootSingleItemsList | |
CFetchCriteria | |
CSingleItem | |
►NEditableRootTests | |
CMockEditableRoot | |
CRootWithNullableProperty | |
►NObjectFactory | |
CBusinessItem | |
CObjectFactoryBusinessItem | |
CObjectFactoryBusinessItemFactory | |
►NReadOnlyTest | |
CReadOnlyPerson | |
CReadOnlyPersonList | |
►NTestProxies | |
CAppDomainProxy | This is a test proxy used to test any type of calls that have to be send accross to a different AppDomain (non local styff) |
►NValidation | |
CИзилдрRule | |
►NThreading | |
CAsyncManualResetEvent | Async/await implementation of a ManualResetEvent |
CBackgroundWorker | A BackgroundWorker that wraps a System.ComponentModel.BackgroundWorkertransfers ApplicationContext.User, ClientContext, CurrentCulture and CurrentUICulture to the background thread |
CBusyLocker | Implementation of a lock that waits while a target object is busy |
►NWeb | |
►NDesign | |
CCslaDataSourceConfiguration | CslaDataSource configuration form |
CCslaDataSourceDesigner | Implements designer support for CslaDataSource |
CCslaDesignerDataSourceView | Object responsible for providing details about data binding to a specific CSLA .NET object |
CObjectFieldInfo | Contains schema information for a single object property |
CObjectSchema | Object providing access to schema information for a business object |
CObjectViewSchema | Object providing schema information for a business object |
►NMvc | |
►NTest | |
►NModelBinderTest | |
CChild | |
CChildList | |
CCslaModelBinderTest | |
CImAlwaysInvalidAttribute | |
CRootList | |
CRootWithChildren | |
CRootWithValidation | |
CSingleRoot | |
CController | Provides methods that respond to HTTP requests in an ASP.NET MVC web site |
CCslaModelBinder | Model binder for use with CSLA .NET editable business objects |
CHasPermissionAttribute | Restricts callers to an action method |
CIModelCreator | ASP.NET MVC model creator |
CIViewModel | Defines a CSLA .NET MVC viewmodel object |
CViewModelBase | Base class used to create ViewModel objects that contain the Model object and related elements |
CApplicationContextManager | Application context manager that uses HttpContext to store context values |
CCslaDataSource | A Web Forms data binding control designed to support CSLA .NET business objects as data sources |
CCslaDataSourceView | The object responsible for managing data binding to a specific CSLA .NET object |
CDeleteObjectArgs | Argument object used in the DeleteObject event |
CInsertObjectArgs | Argument object used in the InsertObject event |
CSelectObjectArgs | Argument object used in the SelectObject event |
CUpdateObjectArgs | Argument object used in the UpdateObject event |
►NWindows | |
CApplicationContextManager | ApplicationContextManager for Windows Forms applications |
CBindingErrorEventArgs | BindingErrorEventArgs defines the event arguments for reporting a data binding error due to a exception |
CBindingSourceNode | Maintains a reference to a BindingSource object on the form |
CBindingSourceRefresh | BindingSourceRefresh contains functionality for refreshing the data bound to controls on Host as well as a mechinism for catching data binding errors that occur in Host |
CBusyAnimation | User control that displays busy animation |
CCslaActionCancelEventArgs | Event args providing information about a canceled action |
CCslaActionEventArgs | Event args for an action |
CCslaActionExtender | Extender control providing automation around data binding to CSLA .NET business objects |
CCslaActionExtenderToolStrip | Extender control (for ToolStripButton only) providing automation around data binding to CSLA .NET business objects |
CErrorEncounteredEventArgs | Event args indicating an error |
CHasBrokenRulesEventArgs | Event args object containing information about a broken rule |
CHostPropertyAttribute | HostPropertyAttribute is used on components to indicate the property on the component that is to be used as the parent container control in conjunction with HostComponentDesigner |
CObjectSaveException | Exception indicating a failure during an object save operation |
CReadWriteAuthorization | Windows Forms extender control that automatically enables and disables detail form controls based on the authorization settings from a CSLA .NET business object |
►NXaml | |
CApplicationContextManager | ApplicationContextManager for WPF applications |
CBrokenRuleSeverityConverter | Converts validation severity values into corresponding images |
CBusyAnimation | Displays a busy animation |
CCslaDataProvider | Wraps and creates a CSLA .NET-style object that you can use as a binding source |
CCslaDataProviderCommandManager | Implements support for RoutedCommands that can be executed by the CslaDataProvider control |
CDataDecoratorBase | Base class for creating WPF panel controls that react when the DataContext, data object and data property values are changed |
CErrorDialog | Displays an error dialog for any exceptions that occur in a CslaDataProvider |
CErrorEventArgs | Contains information about the error that has occurred |
CExecuteEventArgs | Arguments passed to a method invoked by the Execute trigger action |
CIdentityConverter | Provides the functionality of a WPF value converter without affecting the value as it flows to and from the UI |
CIErrorDialog | Interface defining the interaction between a CslaDataSource and an error dialog control |
CInvokeMethod | Invokes a method on a target object when a trigger event is raised from the attached UI control |
CIsNotConverter | Converts a Boolean value into its inverse |
CIViewModel | Defines a CSLA .NET viewmodel object |
CObjectStatus | Container for other UI controls that exposes various status values from the CSLA .NET business object acting as DataContext |
CPropertyInfo | Expose metastate information about a property |
CPropertyStatus | Displays validation information for a business object property, and manipulates an associated UI control based on the business object's authorization rules |
CTriggerAction | Control used to invoke a method on the DataContext based on an event being raised by a UI control |
CViewModel | Base class used to create ViewModel objects, with pre-existing verbs for use by InvokeMethod or Invoke |
CViewModelBase | Base class used to create ViewModel objects that implement their own commands/verbs/actions |
CApplicationContext | Provides consistent context information between the client and server DataPortal objects |
CBusinessBase | This is the base class from which most business objects will be derived |
CBusinessBindingListBase | This is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived |
CBusinessListBase | This is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived |
CCommandBase | This is the base class from which command objects will be derived |
CCreateAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to initialize a new domain object |
CCreateChildAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to initialize a new child object |
CCriteriaBase | Base type from which Criteria classes can be derived in a business class |
CDataPortal | Client side data portal used for making asynchronous data portal calls in .NET |
CDataPortalChildOperationAttribute | Base type for data portal child operation attributes |
CDataPortalEventArgs | Provides information about the DataPortal call |
CDataPortalException | This exception is returned for any errors occurring during the server-side DataPortal invocation |
CDataPortalOperationAttribute | Base type for data portal operation attributes |
CDataPortalResult | DataPortalResult defines the results of DataPortal operation |
CDataPortalRootOperationAttribute | Base type for data portal root operation attributes |
CDataPortalServerResourceAttribute | Specifies a server resource required by a business type so the data portal can route any calls to the correct server |
CDataPortalServerRoutingTagAttribute | Specifies a routing tag for use by the server-side data portal |
CDeleteAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to delete domain object data during an update operation |
CDeleteSelfAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to delete domain object data during an explicit delete operation |
CDeleteSelfChildAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to delete child object data during an update operation |
CDynamicBindingListBase | This is the base class from which collections of editable root business objects should be derived |
CDynamicListBase | This is the base class from which collections of editable root business objects should be derived |
CExecuteAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to execute a command object |
CExecuteChildAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to execute a child command object during an update operation |
CFetchAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to load existing data into the domain object |
CFetchChildAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to load existing data into the child object |
CFilteredBindingList | Provides a filtered view into an existing IList(Of T) |
CIBusinessBase | Consolidated interface of public elements from the BusinessBase type |
CIBusinessListBase | This is the base class from which most business collections or lists will be derived |
CIChildDataPortal | Interface defining the members of the child data portal type |
CIChildDataPortalFactory | Defines a data portal service used to get an access to a client-side data portal instance |
CICommandBase | This is the base class from which command objects will be derived |
CIContainsDeletedList | Defines an object that holds a list of deleted items |
CIDataPortal | Interface defining the members of the data portal type |
CIDataPortalFactory | Defines a data portal service used to get an access to a client-side data portal instance |
CIDataPortalResult | IDataPortalResult defines the results of DataPortal operation |
CInjectAttribute | Specifies a parameter that is provided via dependency injection |
CInsertAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to insert domain object data during an update operation |
CInsertChildAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to insert child object data during an update operation |
CIReadOnlyBase | This is a base class from which readonly business classes can be derived |
CIReadOnlyListBase | This is the base class from which readonly collections of readonly objects should be derived |
CLazySingleton | An alternative to Lazy<T> |
CLinqObservableCollection | Synchronized view over a source list, filtered, sorted and ordered based on a query result |
CMethodInfo | Maintains metadata about a method |
►CNameValueListBase | This is the base class from which readonly name/value collections should be derived |
CNameValuePair | Contains a key and value pair |
CNotUndoableAttribute | Marks a field to indicate that the value should not be copied as part of the undo process |
CObjectAuthorizationRulesAttribute | Attribute identifying static method invoked to add object authorization rules for type |
CPropertyInfo | Maintains metadata about a property |
CPropertyLoadException | Exception indicating a failure to set a property's field |
CReadOnlyBase | This is a base class from which readonly business classes can be derived |
CReadOnlyBindingListBase | This is the base class from which readonly collections of readonly objects should be derived |
CReadOnlyListBase | This is the base class from which readonly collections of readonly objects should be derived |
CRunLocalAttribute | Marks a DataPortal_XYZ method to be run on the client even if the server-side DataPortal is configured for remote use |
CSmartDate | Provides a date data type that understands the concept of an empty date value |
CSortedBindingList | Provides a sorted view into an existing IList(Of T) |
CTransactionalAttribute | Marks a DataPortal_XYZ method to run within the specified transactional context |
CUpdateAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to update domain object data during an update operation |
CUpdateChildAttribute | Specifies a method used by the server-side data portal to update child object data during an update operation |
►Ncsla | |
►Nnetcore | |
►Ntest | |
►NDataPortal | |
CDashboardTests | |
CRoutingTagTests | |
CRoutingTest | |
CSimpleType | |
►Ncslalighttest | |
►NBusyStatus | |
CBusyStatusTests | |
►NCommandBase | |
CCommandBaseTests | |
►NCslaDataProvider | |
►CCustomer | |
CFetchCriteria | |
CCustomerContact | |
CCustomerContactList | |
CCustomerList | |
►CCustomerWithError | |
CFetchCriteria | |
CCustomerWithErrorList | |
CCustomerWithErrorWO_DP_XYZ | |
CCustomerWO_DP_XYZ | |
►NNameValueList | |
CBasicNameValueList | |
CNameValueListTests | |
►NReadOnly | |
CMockReadOnly | |
CMockReadOnlyList | |
CReadOnlyTests | |
►NSerialization | |
CAddress | |
CAddressBase | |
CAddressList | |
CBindingListTests | |
CCustomer | Implementation of a test business object using CSLA managed properties backed by fields, and custom serialization logic (requirement of backing managed properties with fields) |
CCustomerContact | Implementation of a test business object using CSLA managed properties backed by fields, and custom serialization logic (requirement of backing managed properties with fields) |
CCustomerWithEnum | Implementation of a test business object with an enum |
CCustomMobileList | |
CMockMobileList | |
CMockNonBusinessObject | |
CMockNonBusinessObject2 | |
CMockReadOnly | |
CMockReadOnlyList | |
CPerson | |
CPersonWIthSmartDateField | |
CReadOnlyPerson | |
CReadOnlyPersonList | |
►CSerializationTests | |
CStringCriteria | |
CUndoTests | |
►NStereotypes | |
CCustomCriteria | |
CEditableChildTestsLocal | |
CEditableChildTestsRemote | |
CEditableRootTests | |
CReadOnlyListTestsLocalAndRemote | |
CTestCriteria | |
►NViewModelTests | |
CTestBindingList | |
CTestBusinessBindingList | |
CTestChild | |
►NDataBindingApp | |
►CForm1 | |
CMyObject | |
►CForm2 | |
CMyObject | |
►CListObject | |
CDataObject | |
►NUnitDriven | |
CAsserter | |
CTestBase | |
CUnitTestContext | |
CFooAttribute | |